Wire Transfers, Postal Money Orders, BitCoin or PayPal

For ease of tracking, all donations must include your Member Number. This number is displayed on the Login panel under your Username on the Home page. 

Please note that we prefer the other donation options over PayPal, and ask that you limit the use of PayPal to monthly GEM membership donations and/or when other options are just not available to you.  Thank you for your understanding.

Wire Transfers

Wire Transfers are only for larger amounts. Write FIRST to admin@panterrapca.org so we can provide you with wiring coordinates.

Postal Money Orders (PMO)

PMO receipt sample


When donating with a money order, you can only use those issued by the United States Postal Service or the Canadian Postal Service; you cannot use any other service such as Walmart, 7-11 or Western Union. 

DO NOT use Postal Money Orders for monthly GEM memberships - if you are on the monthly donation plan for your General Education Membership, then you MUST use BitCoin or PayPal.

  • United States Postal Service Money Orders: Please leave all data blank (payee and transmitter). If you are uncomfortable doing this then choose to use PayPal or BitCoin.
  • Canadian Postal Service Money Orders: Canada forces you to fill in the payee and transmitter upon purchase.  Payee: Panterra Global Services Association.  Transmitter: Your first and last name.

If you do use the PMO option:

  1. Please mail with USPS Tracking so the donation can be tracked.  If sending from Canada, you must use UPS tracking instead.
  2. Include a cover letter or note in the envelope with your name and member number, email address and phone number.                                                                                
  3. Mail according to the instructions on the Mailing Address page.          
  4. Once you have mailed your donation, send an email to donations@panterrapca.org per the following example:

Example Postal Money Order Donation Email

Subject: PMO: Donald Smythe, #123

Message:    Postal Money Order Donation

  • Status Correction Course
  • Amount of the money order in USD (for example, $500.00)
  • USPS Tracking Number: 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555
  • PMO #: 987654321
  • Payment 1 of #how-many-you-are-making


PLEASE NOTE: We cannot accept Bitcoin Donations through Coinbase. Their service requires a contract in the public and is contrary to the legal protocols that keep our activities in the private.

If you are already familiar with BitCoin and have a wallet set up, if you are using a smart phone you can take a photo of our QR Code (found to your right above the search module on this page), or the coded address for our wallet also found in the QR Code module above the search function to your right, and make the transfer to our wallet.

If you are new to BitCoin, please watch our simple tutorials that will explain to you how to set up a BitCoin account, generally called a "Wallet" and how to use your wallet to convert FRNs to BTC value and then how to transfer it to our wallet as a donation. It is very simple to do, and once you have done it several times it will become second nature....in fact, we are sure you will like it better than dealing with the banks! We do!

Once you have made your donation, please send an email to donations@panterrapca.org per the following example:

Example BitCoin Donation Email

Subject: BTC: Donald Smythe, #123

Message:    BitCoin Donation

  • Status Correction Course
  • USD Equivalent amount sent in Bitcoin (for example $500.00)
  • BTC Transaction #: 9876543212345
  • YOUR BTC Wallet Address #: for example, 9U6spaobnHu43Sd2vZqDmv5HAgESMi7Di3
  • Payment 1 of #how-many-you-are-making


We had originally discontinued using PayPal in June 2015. This was based on two points, one being that they had changed their user agreement to give them a claim of use and copyright on materials on sites and businesses that used their platform, and the other based on our move away from using FRNs. Due to many potential members having problems with BitCoin, many did not follow through on their membership. So we have now reinstated the use of PayPal for those who cannot use BTC and to avoid having to send PMOs every month on the monthly plan. We have sidestepped the issue of their claim of use by routing PayPal accounts to a separate account in a stand alone trust under the sole control of the Overseer of the PanTerra D'Oro society without direct link back to our content on the GEMSTONE University site. We still prefer that our members use BTC and PMOs wherever possible, but if you need to use PayPal that is now an available option. Thank you for your understanding.

When sending funds via PayPal, you have two choices: (1) Payment for Goods and Services, or (2) Send to Friends or Family.  Since you are making a donation and not paying for goods and services, make sure you choose the Friends and Family option.

Send your payment to:  donations@panterrapca.org

In the Note: Include your name, member #, and what the payment is for (GEM membership, SC Course, ES Course, IDP, etc).

Example:  John Doe, #252, SC Course