
Morning Liberty Archive

The Morning Liberty Archives cover a span of 18 months from August 12, 2011 through February 1, 2013 during which RJ Hender, the show's host, interviewed Ken Cousens.  The sequence of shows provides an in-depth span of history extending back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, continuing through other civilizations such as Sumer, Babylon, onwards to Rome and into the New World Order.

Join Rj and Ken as they wander through the annals of time weaving the inner story of the web and entanglement of the hidden agenda of history.  The story leads to modern times and the attempt to lock us all into the never ending matrix of the NWO, reaching back to Ancient Egypt, through Sumer, Babylon, the land of the gods and the descent of the kings.  Learn and understand about the two pillars of King and Priest, controlling the Land and the Law, from Rome to DC and the hidden history of the twentieth century.  The story will provide the listeners with their very own decoder rings to unravel the obfuscation of the media and the white-wash of the not-news networks, for better insight and understanding of how we arrived at the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end.  Have a listen, come back listened to in order, start to finish.

Start at the Beginning  |