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Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.   Willing is not enough; we must do.
Correction does much, but encouragement does more.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free!

Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem,
See one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words.
Magic is believing in yourself; if you can do that, you can make anything happen.
Nothing is worth more than this day.   I love those who yearn for the impossible.
All the knowledge I possess everyone else can acquire, but my heart is all my own.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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The PanTerraVida Private Society, (formerly PanTerra D’Oro) was founded twenty years ago and over the intervening years, we have engaged in a process of steady research, study, building, and maturation.  We have now arrived at a significant landmark in our process, at a simultaneous moment of great events unfolding in our world.  We have traveled and traversed through many challenges, always emerging on the other side stronger, more focused and refined, more integrated with our ever-growing unified field of Members joined together on a foundation of shared purpose and intent, our wills sharpened and unstoppable, to bring forward the manifestation of our Master Plan to build a better world for all Living Beings.  We have refined our organization and have built great teams for many of the administrative and management tasks that stretch out before us, and we have now taken up a new name that better defines our passion and our commitment to this task – PanTerraVida Private Society, a House of Peace and Society for Life.

We are seeking others to join us on our grand adventure, those who have a passion for knowledge, truth, and wisdom as to how our world really works and how we can use this knowledge and comprehension to build real solutions.  We are seeking those who have a sense of purpose along with that passion, who have dreamed and envisioned their entire lives, knowing that there is something more that we can do to change our lives and transform our world.  We would like to invite such Beings to have a look at what we have achieved so far and what our future plans and intentions are.  We are seeking those who have skills, expertise, and personal intentions to be part of this grand endeavor of transforming our world from one of lies, deceit, poverty, disease, environmental destruction, and dysfunctional social, political, and economic systems, to a world that works for all beings and all living things.  In short, we wish to join with all people, organizations, and endeavors who share our purpose and intention to see this world transformed in our lifetimes to become Heaven on Earth and Earth as Heaven.

If you are such one, at this time you have a few choices available, which is to start at our basic level (GEM) with no further obligation, or if you are ready to fully engage and take the first steps to become a Full Member (FM) you have that choice available as well, and we do now have three categories of Full Membership as described in the Full Member section below. The third level as a PEARL member will be available for all GEM members later in 2024 (as further described below). Read the instructions and details carefully to know what each choice entails.

If you are simply interested to become a General Education Member, when you have finished reading this part, go ahead and read the: General Education Membership (GEM) section, which you will see below The Three Levels of Membership heading.  When you have read that section, then complete the GEM application form.  You will then be enrolled as a GEM member very quickly, and we will send you the GEM Welcome Package.

If you wish to consider applying as a Full Member, here is what you will need to do.   First, apply as a GEM member, and check the “Yes” button beside the statement:  “It is my intention to proceed to full membership after the completion of the General Education Member education.”  You will then be enrolled as a GEM member, but by clicking “Yes”, you will get an option to download the PTV New Member Questionnaire (NMQ) Package.  This will enable you to read through the documents in this package and by so doing, you will have an idea of what we are going to need from you in the way of your answering the question: Who are you?  This is required in order to make the application to become a Full Member of PanTerraVida Private Society.   If you do not choose to complete that package, your status as a GEM member will remain, and you will have no further obligations, you can just study the material on the GEM.University website at your own pace and leisure, the same as those who applied as GEM members and did not download the NMQ Package.  If you do decide to proceed toward Full Membership and ultimately to studying and completing the Estate Structure and Status Correction courses, you can take your time to complete the NMQ process, and send it to us as per the instructions when you are making good progress through the GEM education, and you can submit it at any time after the three months mark of your GEM membership.

Please note that we are in full swing with the implementation of our plans and building our systems and organization. This is happening on many fronts and will provide better functionality and systems for our online processes. We are also beginning a long-awaited task, which is the building of new websites, that will integrate more efficient systems for data management, automated functions for the entry of new members, and much more. The simple steps for entry to be a GEM member are fast and efficient as described above.  Below, is more information regarding what we are looking for in Full Members of  PTV.

We are enthusiastically expanding our search for qualified men and women to become full members of our Society. We do not require any base fee or donation to be a member at the GEM level.  But there is still a “price of admission” for those who wish to apply to be Full Members, which consists of the following four elements

  1. Your Being
  2. Your Passion
  3. Your Commitment
  4. Your Brilliance

By “Being” we do not mean you are giving us your Being or your Soul and we now own it or you (as some have questioned). It means you are fully present and committed to be here with us, to engage and participate in the work ahead of us and that along with your Passion, your Being is present, it is committed, it is fully enthusiastic to be part of this grand adventure and you are seeking Excellence and Brilliance as your pathway in Life.

Are you such a Being? Are you here showing up with Passion and Commitment to be part of something extraordinary? Are you striving to manifest the best you can be, to bring forth your Brilliance to do things never before achieved and barely imagined by most?  If so, then we would like you to consider being part of what we are creating and we invite you to prepare to submit a few simple items of information necessary for us to consider you for membership in our Society.

The PanTerraVida Private Society is a Mutual Benefit Society where we see value as what a Man or Woman can contribute to the Society as a whole and to the world at large, rather than in the measure of “money”.  We recognize that money is not the value; rather that we, the Living Beings comprising the membership of PTV, are the real value.  And, of course, all beings in this world are equally the value as part of living creation.  We have undertaken many projects all over the world, including the creation of a Media Platform to bring forward the best in free communications and media for education and project development.

We are securing land to build Land-Based Communities all over the planet where we will build communications systems as hubs of the GEMSTONE Earth Media Alliance (GEMA), studios for the production of content for such media, and healing and rejuvenation centers. In addition, we will build Living Universities in these communities to serve as gathering places of the best hearts and minds from around the world to break down boundaries and expand our horizons into a new reality of brilliance and fulfillment. We now have the means to underwrite all of this and much more; all we lack are enough beings of integrity to bring forward their Being, Passion, Commitment, and Brilliance to engage their knowledge and skills to help make this intention a reality.

Please read the following three sections to fully understand our Three Levels of Membership. You can then click on the link to go to our first step for member enrollment.  The application form can be found by going to the GEM section and using the button at the bottom of that part to take you to the form to apply.

The Three Levels of Membership

(Click each of the sections below to expand)

The place to get started for all member levels is as a General Education Member (GEM).  Applying to become a Full Member is possible after being a member for at least 90 days and completion of the Introduction to New Members, Foundational Knowledge Series and much of the other GEM material within the GEM University.  Details on how to be a PEARL Member will be announced soon.

This member level is for anyone who wishes to access our online GEM University which contains the entry level materials that have up to this time only been available to our private members inside the private access web site for Gemstone University.

Concurrent with and associated with the GEM  Member level  will be the entry point into the Gemstone Earth Media Alliance (GEMA) platform and websites, formerly referred to as Gemstone Global Media Alliance.

The GEMA platform will take longer to build, but we do intend to have a first stage website up and functional fairly soon.  When completed, the GEMA platform will be a worldwide distributed, decentralized architecture.  It will be built with the most advanced technologies for the most secure, private, and robust media platform imaginable.  Every GEM Member will be provided with a personal Home Page that can be custom designed and individualized with many building blocks, modules for personal design in areas of education, media, social interaction, communications, marketplace, private monetary issue within our private jurisdiction, and much more.

It will be a totally interactive and dynamic system that integrates the best of currently existing technologies and user interface designs, with proprietary technologies and architecture unique to our system. Every Home Page will include private banking and many features of monetary, financial, and exchange functions, to be applied within the private system with both privacy and full transparency integrated together, based on our law form and applications therefrom such as private societies, contract associations, and estate protection structures.  In short, we intend to build the world’s most advanced and comprehensive system of data information, media, communications, and marketplace.  All of this and more will be part of the GEM level of participation, which will be accessible and available to anyone in the world.

Click Here to enroll as a GEM


The PEARL level of membership is our next step for those who wish to engage a proactive involvement in our worldwide projects and active building of a new world system. The anagram name for this level is PEARL, which stands for PanTerrans Entering a Real Life because our foundational principles are based on real work in the world as the doorway through which we walk back into Life out of the holographic simulation we have been existing in, known as the Matrix. We strongly stand on the principle that education and passive media is not enough, either as a personal path to freedom or as a means to create a new reality and world in which all living beings have the inherent capacity to be free.

There are four to five billion people in this world that do not have truly balanced and stable lives, which of course was purposefully created by the negative forces that have controlled our world for eons of time. They are no longer in control and now we can begin the work to build our world in the manner and upon the principles that we choose and direct. Proactive involvement in this, in our perspective, is required to direct oneself into a Real Life. Therefore, we will sometime in 2024 provide the details of how any GEM PTV member can take the steps to get proactively involved with our work. This will provide new opportunities to grow, expand, learn, and enjoy life for oneself and one’s family in entirely new ways, while at the same time, serving the needs of the greater good for all people in the world.

For more about the PEARL level of membership, CLICK HERE  to download the PTV PEARL Member Overview.


Our GEMA platform and system will be built on individual member participation. It is to be a nodal system in which every member will host a node as a unit of the decentralized, distributed model worldwide. Every member will have the opportunity and ability to build value in their own private estate and trust account structure with our private monetary issue currency known as, of course, GEMS. This stands for the Gemstone Equity Manifestation System. Each GEM member is of course a GEM in more than one way.

We see the unique brilliance of every Living Being as a gemstone, a living gem, equated in worth beyond any measure of old paradigm monetary systems of control. As we leave the constraints of the old world behind, we can create value and have that value reflected in a monetary issue that reflects our inherent capacity to create and co-create our own reality in a world that is best for all living beings, systems, and things. And we can issue a currency that is directly reflective of the inherent value of every living GEM as a member of the PanTerraVida Society. There is much more to describe and detail with this, and that will be emerging soon in the months to come.


Over many years and with many challenges to overcome, we have developed the detail of what we now refer to as Full Membership in the PanTerraVida Private Society, and this is the third level of involvement in the society. In brief, this is a step that one takes when one wishes to fully engage a deep immersion in the study of law, monetary systems, history, and other related subjects, and apply these to one’s own life in real and practical ways. It involves a full commitment to bring one’s Being, Passion, Commitment, Brilliance, and Excellence forward and to be a part of the PTV Society that goes beyond the GEM and PEARL levels. It also means having the willingness to be real as you work on yourself to find your authentic self, and to be open to input and guidance from other society members.

Being a Full Member - Master Course (FM-MC), includes doing the Estate Structure Course and the Status Correction process and learning how to teach others in these subjects, as well as being an integral part of the active process of building our projects, systems, administrative structures, and society organization. One can take the step to apply to be a Full Member at any time, and the full instructions and details are provided below. If this is not for you at this time, and you enter as a GEM, you will receive a PTV member number and at any time in the future, you can apply to begin the steps to be a Full Member.

As mentioned in the intro above, we now have three categories of Full Member:

Full Member Teams  (FM-TE)

Full Member Estate Structure (FM-ES)

Full Member Master Class (FM-MC)

Full Member Teams  FM-TE is for people who really resonate with what we are doing in the way of implementing the PanTerraVida Master Plan (New version soon to be published), but are not so interested in the law study.  In this category of membership, members will join our TEAMs, and participate in our plans and projects.  This means being part of our administrative teams, member support teams, interfacing between the society and contractors, planning and organizing events and projects etc.

Full Member Estate Structure FM-ES is for members who wish to do the above, and also wish to build their own Estate Structure for one’s current family estate and assets and for future generations of their family, or for a business endeavor or project, or even for a larger humanitarian organization, spiritual group or professional services group.

Full Member Master Course FM-MC is for those interested in the above, but also have the passion and commitment to focus on the study of law, monetary systems, history and how to remove themselves from the bondage to the system.  This would be for the full Master Class, all the way through to and completing the Status Correction process whereby one completely removes oneself from being the surety to the bankrupt franchise, by correcting their status and building their own society and even their own community where they have their own jurisdiction and law form.  The second two categories of Full Members can also be teachers who are keen to learn the processes along with the law and history, and then when they have a good understanding,  to teach the Estate Structure and/or Status Correction processes.

You will have the opportunity to indicate which category you would like to apply for within the New Member Questionnaire (NMQ) application package.   Also, it will be possible to switch category at a later time as desired, so when you apply, you will not need to be concerned if you find you chose a category that does not work for you.


First of all, everything described here applies to all categories of Full Membership.  As described above, sharing and engaging your Being, Passion, Commitment, Brilliance, and Excellence are the requirements for Full Membership (FM). The Commitment is to Oneself, to the PTV Society and to the World.  This may take many forms, so it is not a box into which we wish to fit anyone. However, consider that the following are fundamental elements of that Commitment:

One must have the willingness to “face oneself”, which means undertaking the personal work of self-transformation through physical healing, emotional clearing, and spiritual awakening. A central focus of our work together and within our land-based communities will be this process of inner work and transformation. It entails the willingness to see oneself as greater than the programmed and robotic self that we became within the Matrix as a strategy of survival. It entails letting go of outmoded belief systems and working through patterns and trauma that have kept us entrenched in limitations for this life and many previous lifetimes.

Such willingness requires the cessation of hostilities and “Going to Peace”, both within and without. It requires letting go of the Enemy Construct through which we project our own inner wounds and schisms onto the externalized hologram to polarize with something outside of ourselves (which is really just a reflection of the polarity within) and make it one’s “enemy”. It involves seeking and sustaining resolution. One must have the Commitment to work together with other members and organizations throughout the world that are now or will become strategic alliance partners. This includes the willingness to apply your expertise to the work ahead or to acquire new skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to building a new world reality of Life that is best for all.

One must also be open to learning new things and breaking out of the patterned inertia of programmed stagnation that limits one’s perception of reality. This involves the commitment to engage the educational material in GU that we have built over decades and through that process, to learn the truth of our world, its history, its lies, and its hidden agendas, but also its immutable truths and the magnificent potentials to be realized when we walk out of the sea of confusion and the realm of the dead onto the Land of the Living.

In practical terms, full membership means being part of the administration or projects or building of systems that will make our plans and intentions come alive and into manifestation. This is the place that the Full Member Teams (FM-TE) category members fit in and engage with.  All categories of Full Membership involves proactive engagement, not just armchair lassitude that results in the inertia of impotence and disempowerment.  It involves taking up one’s own true power and authority with the clear knowing that in fact, we create our own reality, and thus we can and will re-create this world, as we apply our Directive Principle to do so (comprised of Will, Purpose, and Intent).

The members who choose the Full Member Estate Structure (FM-ES) category will be engaging in the Estate Structure course wherein each member creates a new Estate into which we place and build our true legacy for ourselves, our families, and future generations in a private jurisdiction not subject to public codes, statutes, controls, limitations, and restrictive systems.  As one in the Full Member Estate Structure category, you will also engage in being part of the projects and teams as we implement the PTV Master Plan.

For those who choose the Master Course category, it involves starting with the Estate Structure course as described above.  Once a member feels that he or she is ready to engage in the steps to correct his or her status, they will then be able to request to take the assessment/competency test which will verify commitment and competency to complete the course. With this work in our Status Correction course, one will correct one’s status from a bonded surety attached to a bankrupt franchise, to that of a truly free being with Status, Standing, and Capacity. It involves walking the true path out of the Matrix and into Life that we have pioneered and are continually refining and perfecting.  In the Estate Structure course, every member will be able to establish their own society, estate, and auxiliary entities (trusts and private associations) to hold assets, projects, land, and other building blocks of a new life, including the use of our private banking and monetary system that are held within the private and protective enclosure of our private jurisdiction.

This includes being able to use the resources of the PTV Society and the structures of one’s society to implement projects and endeavors that will contribute to the larger whole while fulfilling one’s individual dreams and visions. As a fully vested FM of the Society, you will be assisted in the evaluation of your personal estate as it currently sits, so that you can expeditiously move out of the debt matrix and become both solvent and fully supported so that you can engage fully with the plans and projects of the Society without limitations.

Becoming a PTV Full Member means signing a contract as a Full Member that will include the commitment to being fully present and participating within whichever category of membership that you have chosen.  A copy of his contract will be made available to you to view prior to going through the interview, which comes after your NMQ documents have been evaluated and accepted.  You will have up to 30 days to peruse this document before you make your decision as to whether or not you wish to move forward with your application.  After reading it completely if you are certain that as a Full Member, you will be happy to complete this contract you can then accept the invitation to go through the interview, and then if accepted after the interview, you will then receive our PTV Full Member Contract Package, which will have to be completed within two days of your acceptance.   We like to put all of these details up front, so that you know what you are getting into before you continue along this path. 

So, if you feel that you are ready to join us as a Full Member, follow these steps to get started to make your application.

As described in the first part of this Membership Application page, you must start your journey as a General Education Media (GEM) member. The Full  Member enrollment process via the New Member Questionnaire (NMQ) is quite lengthy, between completing the Essay and Questionnaire, and the time for those to be evaluated by our Evaluation Team.  If you check the YES button on the Membership Application form, regarding your intention to go through the NMQ process, you will have the opportunity to download a copy of the NMQ Package.  When you have received your copy of the NMQ Package, you can consider starting to complete it at the same time as studying the GEM material on the site, so that when you have got through that course, you will be ready with your full membership application, and can send it to us sooner rather than later. At the same time, there is no time limit in which to complete your study in the GEM University, but you must study for at least 90 days before completing and sending your Educational Summary as part of your NMQ set of documents as your application to become a PTV Full Member.  You will need at very least 90 days to be able to take in the GEM material, and thus be able to write a good Educational Summary to include with your other NMQ documents.

If you have been a GEM member for any amount of time, and then you decide you would like to move up, you can apply to do that.  Write to us at and state that you wish to apply to become a Full Member.  We will then send you a copy of the most recent NMQ Package.  The clock for study and completion of your Educational Summary starts at this point for your at least 90 days of study of the GEM material within the GEM University, but as stated before, you can study for as long as you wish before sending your NMQ documents.  If you were a full member of PTV and Gemstone University before, and you have been away for some time, you can write to us at the same address (above) and request a copy of the Returning Member Questionnaire (RMQ), and we will send a copy to you.   It is a very similar process as the New Member Questionnaire (NMQ) process described above.


Updated December 15, 2023

membership-application (click here)


NOTE: If you forgot your username or need to change your password, contact panterra_pca on Keybase privately.

NOTE: To change your email address, you must go through the Members - Your Account Details Menu. If you reset your password using this link, then use your current email address on file until you can access Your Account Details to change your email.

PCA Defined

To be a member of the Gemstone University, one must be a member of the PanTerraVida Private Society and Private Contract Association ("PCA"). This is accomplished in one step when one selects the Membership Application button on the left-hand side of our home page and takes the steps to become a member and thereby gain access to the private side of Gemstone University. btn readMore


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